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The Produce, Flower and Handicraft Show 2025

The Produce, Flower and Handicraft Show 2025 will take place on Saturday 23rd August, Bank Holiday weekend

 Download the Show Schedule here

Welcome to the third Hungerford Produce, Flower and Handicraft Show run by Hungerford Allotment Holder’s Association (HAHA). The event has many opportunities for you to enter and show off your own and your family’s skills, not just in the vegetable and fruit section but photography, flowers and flower arranging, cookery, handicrafts, children’s classes and much more. Further copies of the show schedule and entry form can be obtained from:, downloaded from HAHA and the Hungerford Food Community website.






Thank you to our sponsors so far:


Town and Manor

The Good Exchange

Christian Alba at Christian Alba’s Traditional Butchers

Liz Barnett

John Day Engineering Ltd

Nia Day

Stewart Hofgartner



Organised by:




Section 1 – vegetables/fruit (Entries must have been grown by you)

No Description

1        Three potatoes white

2        Three potatoes coloured

3        Five runner beans

4        Longest runner bean

5        Five French or green beans

6       Three onions (each onion must be under 8 oz/ 227g, and tops tied)

7        Three onions (each onion must be over 8 oz/ 227g, and tops tied)

8        Five shallots round (tops tied, displayed in dish with sand)

9        Five shallots banana (tops tied, displayed in dish with sand)

10     Five standard tomatoes (small fruited) smaller than 1.5”/4cm

11     Five standard tomatoes (standard fruited) larger than 1.5”/4cm

12     Three carrots standard (leaves trimmed to 1” / 2cms)

13     Six carrots stubby/round (leaves trimmed to 1” / 2cms)

14     Three beetroot (leaves trimmed to 1”/ 2cms)

15     Two cabbages (any variety)

16    One marrow (heaviest)

17     Two courgettes (any matching colour)

18     Five distinct kinds of culinary herbs displayed in a jam jar of water

19     An odd shaped fruit/vegetable or a creature made from fruit/vegetables you have grown

20     One edible squash, any variety

21     Two cucumbers any variety (matching colour/type)

22     Any five vegetables (no tomatoes) displayed on black surface max size 18” x 18”/45cm x 45cm

23     Any five salad vegetables (inc. tomatoes) displayed on white surface maximum size 18” x 18”/45cm x 45cm

24     One plate of mixed soft fruit 

25    One plate of raspberries

26     Three garlic bulbs (tops tied)

27     Three standard sweetcorn cobs (stripped of leaves)

Section 2 – Floral (Entries must have been grown by you)

No Description

28     Vase of three dahlias small bloom (under 3”/ 7cms)

29     Vase of three dahlias large bloom (over 3”/ 7cms)

30     Six sweet peas

31     Three gladioli

32     Three sprays of pinks

33     One single rose

34     Vase of mixed roses

35     Vase of three other flowers (three of the same or three different flowers excluding any of the above)

36     Largest dahlia flower

37     Flowering pot plant (must have been owned for more 3 months)

38     Foliage pot plant (must have been owned for more 3 months)

39     One cactus (must have been owned for more than 3 months)

40     One succulent (must have been owned for more than 3 months)


Section 3 – Flower Arranging (Entries must be your own work)

No Description

41     Miniature arrangement (4”/10cms or les overall)

42     Table arrangement incorporating a candle.

43     A hand tied posy

44     A Jane Austen themed arrangement

45     Any arrangement of foliage (no flowers)

46     An arrangement in a tin can

47     A bowl of floating flower(s)

48     An arrangement of flowers IN a vegetable.

Section 4 – Home Baking (Entries must have been made by you)

No Description – Label the produce with a cake sign, not the cling film      

49     Victoria sponge (7-8”/18-20cm, jam filling only, no decoration).

50     Light fruit cake (any tin shape, no ready-made liner, no topping)

51     Cake made with vegetable(s) Please state the veg used

52     Four biscuits/cookies (any type)

53     Four iced cupcakes wita Jane Austen theme

54     Gluten free vegan carrot cake – to Set Recipe in Schedule

55     Four fruit scones (size 2-3” / 6-8cm)

56     Fruit flan (7-8” / 18-20cm)

57     Four savoury scones (size 2-3” / 6-8cm)

58     Focaccia - display two loaves only – to Set Recipe in Schedule

59     Wholemeal seeded loaf – to Set Recipe in Schedule

60     Four ‘sausage’ rolls (3”/8cm, meat or vegetarian)


Section 5 – produce (Entries must have been made by you)

No Description (Label the jar not the lid)

61     Standard (not miniature) jar of Red Fruit Jam

62     Standard (not miniature) jar of Other Fruit Jam

63     Standard (not miniature) jar of Fruit Jelly  

64     Standard (not miniature) jar of Fruit Curd

65     Standard (not miniature) jar of Marmalade

66     Standard (not miniature) jar of Chutney or Relish

67     Jar of pickled vegetable(s)

68     Jar of pickled onions

69     Bottle of homemade sauce

70     A bottle of alcoholic drink

71     A bottle of non-alcoholic drink

Section 6 – harvest box or basket (Entries must have been grown and made by you)

No Description – Displayed in a box or basket

72     Harvest Box/Basket (using fruit/veg grown by you and home baking/produce made by you)

Section 7 – Photography (Photos must be your own original work and not photoshopped/enhanced)

No Description – Photos must be original and not photoshopped/enhanced

73     Up to 7x5” Photograph - Patterns - (Image must fill page, no borders or mounts)

74     Up to 7x5 Photograph – Close Up of Bug(s) and/or Insect(s) (image must fill the page, no borders or mounts)

75     Up to 7x5 Photograph – Hungerford Architecture (image must fill the page, no borders or mounts)

76     Up to 7x5 Photograph – Flower(s) (image must fill the page, no borders or mounts)

77     Up to 7x5 Photograph – Food (image must fill the page, no borders or mounts)


Section 8 –Soft Handicraft (Entries must have been made by you. Up to two items per class may be entered per person)

No Description  

78     Knitting – hand or machine

79     Crochet

80     Sewing – Clothes, Household items (cushions etc), Patchwork, Quilting, Other sewn item

81     Needlework – Embroidery, Cross Stitch, Needlepoint, Tapestry, Applique, Beadwork, Felting

82     Other Soft Handicraft e.g. Oil/Water Painting, Pencil, Pen & Ink, Glass Painting, Silkscreen, Lino print, Block print, Weaving, macrame, et

Section 9 – hard Handicraft (Entries must have been made by you. Up to three items per person may be entered) 

No Description

83     Hard Handicraft e.g. Ceramics, Jewellery, Woodwork, Mixed Media, Metal Work, Leather Work, Stone carving, any Handmade Glass item etc.


Section 12 – Under 16 (entries must have been made by you)

No Description

84     Four decorated cup-cakes with a bug theme

85     A creature using fruit and vegetables

86     Vegetable drawing/painting/collage

87     A painted stone depicting a bug theme

88     Grasses and flowers in a jam-jar


Children’s classes:

a.   Infants: up to and including 7-year-olds on the day of the show.

b.   Juniors: 8-year-olds to 11-year-olds on the day of the show.

c.   Young people: from 11 to under 16 years old on the day of the show.

d.   Age will be shown on exhibitor's card. Entries must be the work of the children.



Entry Details


Adult classes 20p each entry. Children’s classes 10p each entry. Enter as many classes as you like.

1.   One entry per class per person. Soft Handicraft section may have two entries per class and Hard Handicrafts may have three entries for the class per person.

2.   Entries and entry fees must be received no later than midday on Tuesday 19th August 2025. (Competitors who have already entered classes by the 19th August deadline, may add up to five late items by 10 am on the morning of the show).

3.   How to enter: On paper with cash/cheques (payable to ‘Hungerford Allotment Holders Association’) in a sealed, named envelope to:   


·      Kate Edwards, 86 High Street, Hungerford, RG17 0NA

·      Jane Pike, 2 Liguiel Close, Priory Road, Hungerford, RG17 OBW

·      Liz Barnett, 6A Station Road, Kintbury, RG17 9UP

·      Forbes Stephenson, 15 Uplands, Hungerford, RG17 OLP

·      HAHA at Hungerford Food and Artisan Market Sunday August 10th

·      By Email and bank transfer:


HAHA Bank Details:

Account Number: 43437086. Sort Code 20-59-14

Ref Name & Initials as shown on entry form.


Please follow the Class Descriptions/guidelines or your entry will be marked as ‘Not According to Schedule’ & will not be judged.


Show Day Schedule 

        ·          Saturday 23rd August between 8.30 - 11am – stage your exhibits at the Town Hall. Stewards will be on hand to guide you to stage your exhibits.

        ·          Judging will be between 11.15 - 2.15pm 

        ·          No access to the Town Hall while judging is in progress.

        ·          2.30pm Exhibitors and the public.

        ·          4.30pm Prize giving, followed by collection of exhibits.

        ·          5pm Show closes.  

Show Rules

1.       Special note: The Show is for amateurs only.

2.       Handicraft items must be the work of the exhibitor.  The back of all needlework items must be visible, including knitting, crochet etc.

3.       Items of handicraft previously entered at the Show cannot be entered again.

4.       Section 4 (cakes etc) to be displayed on a plate and covered with cling film not a polythene bag. (Cling film will be available if you forget).

5.       All exhibits in Classes 1 and 2 must be the property of and have been cultivated by the Exhibitor.  The organisers reserve the right to visit the gardens/allotments of all intending exhibitors.

6.       All exhibits are staged at owners’ risk and must remain on the show tables until after the presentation of Certificates and Trophies.

7.       Only Stewards and Exhibitors will be allowed into the display area before 11 am on the day of the show whilst staging exhibits. Stewards will be available to assist with any staging problems.

8.       You will be provided with cards for your exhibits. Stage your exhibit with the card 'This side up for judging'. Exhibits must be ready for the judging to start at 11am.

9.       Exhibitors should not handle other persons’ exhibits. See Stewards for help.

10.      Please follow the Class Descriptions/guidelines or your entry will be marked as Not According to Schedule & will not be judged.


1.       Points are awarded based on: -

1st Prize – 3 points                   

2nd Prize – 2 points                     

3rd Prize – 1 point

2.       In best in class, in the event of a tie, the exhibitor with most wins will be judged the winner, if still tied then the judges will make the decision.

3.       The decision of the judges will be final.

4.       The nominated trophies will be awarded to the persons gaining the highest points total in the following groups of classes:

·  The Alba Cup – most points in the show.

·  The John Day Engineering Silver Salver – second most points in the show

·  RHS Banksian medal for most points in sections 1,2,3 and 6

·  HAHA Cup – most points in Sections 1 & 2

·  The Floral Cup - most points in Sections 2 & 3

·  Produce cup – most points in Section 4 & 5

·  The Nia Day Salver for Section 6

·  Liz Barnett Cup –most points in Section 7,8 & 9

·  Fairfield’s Cup - Fairfield’s Plot Holder with the most points.

·  The Shirley Dancey Award for the Judge’s favourite flower arrangement.

·  Children’s Cup for most points achieved by a child - Section 10 (One award covering all age groups)

5.       Prize money will be in cash or vouchers and will be given for all classes – as decided by the organisers.

6.       All Trophies will remain the property of the Organisers. The Trophy winners must sign to accept the Trophies and will be held responsible that all reasonable care is taken of the trophies.  Trophies are not to be engraved; however, the winner can purchase a label to stick to the base of the trophy, purchased and sourced at their own cost.

7.    The trophies must be returned to the show organisers cleaned and polished no later than 31st July the year following the competition.

8.    The show will close after the presentation of the Certificates & Trophies.

9.    Items left after show has closed will be donated to Charity.


Please ask for clarification if you are unsure of any aspect of the show:


Enter as many classes as you like and join in with the fun! Print another entry form if you need to. Whilst affiliated to the RHS, HAHA reserves the right to run the show under its own set of rules.


26 July

Open Day Marsh Lane